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    Oct. 9th 11:50

about the speaker

Ellie Johnson, editor and partner at tenthree London, became an editor at Speade, where she was mentored by critically acclaimed talents Sam Sneade and Leo Scott and made a name for herself as a creative and widely sought after editor. In 2018 Ellie joined tenthree, where she has won some of the top awards in editing at the British ArrowsD&ADMVA’s, and the Clio awards, ranking #1 in Televisual’s Top Ten Editors list in 2022 and 2023 and becoming a partner at tenthree where she continues to build her career. Her notable work includes films for brands like Coca Cola, Stella Artois, and Volkswagen, as well as videos for artists like Ed SheeranBastille, and Florrie. Johnson’s dedication to her craft and ability to bring stories to life on screen have earned her recognition and praise from peers and collaborators alike, making her an invaluable asset to any production team.


at ciclope

Heal the Future is a poignant portrayal of SickKids Hospital’s mission. Rooted in reality, it showcases the challenges faced by sick children and their families, and the unwavering strength and optimism of the hospital’s commitment to pioneering medical advancements. Communication and craft contribute to the complexities of telling human stories that successfully communicate a brand’s message. Join us for a discussion about what makes for great creative collaborations, whilst controlling the final outcome through the individual crafts of a collective.

This panel will be moderated by Jason Stone, Editor for David Reviews.