
Moore Kingston Smith
about the speaker
Based in the Moore Kingston Smith’s media specialist office, Jon Dawson’s focus is on strategically supporting decision-makers as their business grows, particularly within the TV and film sector.
Jon’s role is to facilitate thought-provoking dialogue. Through challenging his clients, he helps them crystallize their thinking and thus formulate a strategy for their business’s success. This involves guiding them through every aspect of their business’s lifecycle, with value-enhancing projects often including competitor analysis, revenue stream analysis, share buy-back, attracting investors, M&A and sale preparation, global expansion and partnership-to-LLP conversion.
Feedback from clients is that it is Jon’s refreshing, forward-thinking approach that they value particularly highly, along with his genuine enthusiasm for their business. Whether an SME with a headcount of 100+ or an innovative start-up, he is always looking for new ways to help his clients meet their business objectives and maximize efficiency.